Lecturer (Adjunct)
Designation | : | Lecturer (Adjunct) |
Department | : | Computer Science & Engineering |
Faculty | : | Science & Engineering |
Phone | : | 01934169350 |
Eamil | : | loskar.gub@gmail.com |
1 . K.E. Hoque, Muhammad Sajjad Hossain, M. M. Billah, L.Nowsher Ali, A.H.Sarkar, M.A.Rob, “Effects of steadiness of Radial stream using Radial charismaticField” Canadian Journal on Science and Engineering Mathematics, Vol.2, No.2, June 2011.
2. M.A.Hye, M.M. Rahman, L. Nowsher Ali, S.Afrin, “Steady and Unsteady Solutions of Non- Isothermal Turbulent Flow through Duct with Square Cross Section” International Journal of Pure and Applied Science and Technology, ISSN 2229- 6107.
3. M.M. Rahman, M.A. Hakim, M. KamrulHasan, M.K. Alam, L. Nowsher Ali,” Numerical Solutions of Volterra Integral Equations of Second kind with the help of Chebyshev Polynomials” Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2012,158-167. ISSN: 2279 – 087X (p)
4. M. M. Zillu, M.H.Bashar, L. N. Ali, S. M. R. Islam, “Soliton solutions to the (3+1)-dimensional KP and BA models using advanced expansion scheme in mathematical physics” Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems, (Accepted).
5. Loskar Nowsher Ali, Md. Habibul Bashar, “Wave Solutions of the Nonlinear Evolution Equations in Mathematical Physics Through the advanced -expansion method” International Journal of Physical Research, ISSN :2641-2039
1. International Islami University of Science and Technology Bangladesh [Lecturer (Adjunct)] [July, 2024 to Present]
2. European University of Bangladesh [Assistant Professor] [8 Years 9 Months 12 Days]
3. Green University of Bangladesh [Lecturer] [4 Years 7 Months 19 Days]